




    Welcome to my blog !

    I'm Tiphaine, I'm 12 years old and I'm French. My birthday is on March the 26 th 2003. I live in Nantes. I have one brother.  My brother's name is Guénolé. I also have a turtle. My turtle's name is Loulou.

    In this text, I want to present you my bedroom.

    Tiphaine's bedroom

    This is my room !!!!

    I'm going to present you more in detail my room !

    I have a rather spacious room ;where there is a bed (logicalwink2),a big wooden desk and a bedside table. On the bedside, there is a lamp, next to the lamp, there is usually a book. There is aslo a red chair under the table and shelves. Over shelves, there is a painting of a bird and on the shelves, there are an orange CD player, book, a black clock, and music partitions. I have got a white arm chair and an orange wallpaper, and behind my door I have a rug with the London flag. I don't have any mezzanine. I have no posters.                                                                                                                               


    And you ?arf 

    Wich fournitures do you have in your bedroom ?                                                                                                             What color is wour wall paper ?                                                                                                                                      Have you got a computer in your room ?                                                                                                                        Do you have a teddy bear in your room ?                                                                                                                                                                                               Answer-me ! ^^                                                                          

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